I Conferência Mundial sobre o Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Universais de Seguridade Social

The Organizing Commission announces the first version of the reports of the Sessions by Region

     After four days of discussions, the  I World Conference on the Development of Universal Social Security Systems, held in Brasília, Brazil, from December 1st to 5th, 2010, terminated its activities in producing the document Elements for an Agenda on Universal Systems of Social Security, with guidelines for building universal systems of Social Security.  
     Moreover, in order to allow the development of the actions approved at the Conference, the first version of the reports of the Sessions by Region is now available.  

  •      The Organizing Commission and the Rapporteur Commission have yet to inform that they are working on the publication of the Final Report of the I World Conference on Universal Social Security Systems, which will be available in mid-May 2011.


    . Report by Region – Europe

    New articles available, see link “Articles

        •      . RADIS Magazine Nº 103 – Communication on health, March, 2011, with an article about the World Conference (in Portuguese)
        •      . Two articles in Spanish published at newspaper “Gara”, from Basque Country, about the World Conference and the participation of the LAB Central Union at the event
        •      . An article of Professor Eduardo Fagnani, from the Institute of Economics of UNICAMP, and another of Professor, and Federal District Attorney, Guilherme Ferraz, from the Federal University of Paraíba – UFPB; both providing important elements to the debate on the themes of the World Conference, such as the construction of universal social security systems (in Portuguese)